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Grant Awards!

Home Earth Alliance is thrilled to announce we are the recipient of two recent grants:

Albany County Legislature Nonprofit Grant 
Albany Soil and Water Conservation District's Nonprofit Assistance Funding

Albany County Legislature Nonprofit Grant

 Funds from this award will be used to scale production at our IMAGINE Native Plant Farm. IMAGINE Native Plant Farm, located in Glenmont, NY, is dedicated to producing ethically grown straight native plants from and for the greater Capital Region for home, community, and public projects. 

Albany Soil and Water Conservation District's Nonprofit Assistance Funding

Funding will enable Home Earth Alliance to launch our IMAGINE Native Community Gardens in partnership with one area elementary school and three nonprofit organizations. Home Earth Alliance will provide consulting and support, a custom native garden design, native plants from our IMAGINE Native Plant Farm based in Glenmont, NY, and educational signage. Partnering organizations will provide space and volunteer support.

For information about how your Albany County organization might partner with the IMAGINE Native Community Gardens program, please contact Pam Skripak at

We are excited to embark on this important work - growing a healthier community one inch, one foot, one yard at a time!

New Book Releases!

Cofounder Kate Brittenham, along with her mother Carolyn Summers, have released a revised edition of their sustainable landscaping book, Designing Gardens with Flora of the American East. Inside this edition, you’ll find important information about various native plants that anyone, no matter the size of their outdoor space, can utilize to create eco-friendly landscapes!

Trent Romer has released a new book, "This is our Home: a sustainability story to start your own eco-friendly journey.” Trent is a sustainability expert, author, and TEDx speaker, and volunteer who helps support our mission.

What’s New?

The latest updates from Climate Matters:

Our Planting Zones Are Changing

Homegrown National Park has announced a Young Reader’s Edition of his groundbreaking book, “Nature’s Best Hope”!