IMAGINE Native Plant Farm

IMAGINE Native Plant Farm Hoop House by Sheila Pacilli


Our goal is to meet the growing demand for native plant materials for public and private lands and community spaces by launching IMAGINE Native Plant Farm. Partnering with the Bioreserve, a nonprofit organization with farmland located in Glenmont, NY, Home Earth Alliance is working to realize the dream for a large scale farm focused exclusively on propagating native plants to serve the four ecoregions that comprise the greater Capital Region.

We have land and a hoop house. Volunteers have donated an estimated 2,500 hours already preparing the site, ordering supplies, sourcing seed, building our structure, watering seedlings and plants, coordinating volunteers, and educating community members. Many species are growing. Now we need you!

Cofounders, Pam Skripak and Kate Brittenham, by Sheila Pacilli


We can all be educated and inspired to do more, but if we can’t find and afford the eco-region specific native plant materials we need to transform our yards and gardens, then we will fail to have the intended impact.

Our aspiration is to meet the growing demand for native plant materials for private lands and community spaces by launching IMAGINE Native Plant Farm. Partnering with The Bioreserve in Glenmont, NY, IMAGINE Native Plant Farm will help HEA fulfill its mission to support biodiversity, mitigate climate change, and promote environmental justice.